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Boyhood Pranks That Last A Lifetime



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It Ended 3,000 Miles Away In Another Country

The Story Began Here By the Slip Bridge On Swansea Beach

the slip book cover

Early life and introduction to radio and schooldays, Playing in the park, climbing trees and rules of play, Cowboys and Indians, Robin Hood, King Arthur, cops and robbers, the lingering influence of war years - Vot are your ordersss? Saturday morning cinema club and its heroes, books, comics, collecting stuff and seduction by ciggies, Six shooters from father Christmas and the pomegranate conspiracy, Meccano, model airplanes and aircraft identification, a new house and district and the changing face of entertainment, Rogue preachers, a lady in red and kidnapped by ‘THE BAPTISTS’, Football and cricket, a pain in the neck and a visit to the dentist, James Bond’s bike shop, trolley building and scrap yards, Rags for bargain, any old rags and escape from the back-street boys, Smokers club and first encounters with the boys in blue, Secrets, sudden death and friends that go missing, Fishing in ponds and a “mentor” who says he battles with sea bass, The great clay worm dig and a heroic rescue, Smokey ‘le cat’ goes on rooftop walkabout and repays a debt of honour, Trouble with torches, church parade and painting the scout hut red, The teenage years of Rock and roll and driving dad nuts, Exploring dock-land, all things mechanical and rebuilding the town, Diligent  years at the Tech’, long suffering staff and School trips, Shakespeare and the fading Bunsen flame, Attention all shipping and a mission for ‘ALPHA ONE’, On the beach, discovery and pursuit, A relentless hunt and an empty house, Contact lost and the passing years, A foreign land, a crowded place and a brief encounter,  Seek and ye shall find - a lifetime turned to dust. Do you know who all your friends really are - or will you, like me, only find out the truth when it is far too late?